Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hi Friends!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I've posted!  
Well, actually, I do believe it!
We had some wall patching done in some rooms our home.
That lead to painting rooms...which lead to trim painting.  
My husband and I do our own painting...
but I'm the one to paint the trim.  
With all that painting...
which still isn't complete...
and teaching preschool...
I'm one busy person!

The Mary Engelbreit Home Companion Workshop 
is happening soon!  
I've begun to collect treasures to take along to the workshop.  
I also need to meet a name tag!  
Not just any name tag will must be creative. 
 I'm looking forward to seeing all of the other participants name tags!

It's been so long since I posted...
Google has changed Blogspot!
I hope I can figure out the changes!
Note to self...
don't wait so long between posts! 

XO, Lucy