Hi Friends!
It's snowing in Chicago! What's so unusual about that?
Well, this winter we have had the least amount of snow in 80 years!
Last year, we broke snowfall records! Today's snow is the wet, heavy stuff.
Driving down the street was an experience...dodging the heavy snow falling off the branches...bringing the branches down too!
As for me...my poor body is in shock.
Just last weekend I was in Florida with my dear friend, Mary.
I had to keep reminding myself that it isn't summer...
as I was looking at seashells and flip flops!
I'm used to snow in February!
The snow is a good thing!
Little ones are having fun OUTSIDE making snowmen...
and NOT playing video games!
For me...well...this weekend I will be hunkered down inside
completing my school conference reports.
I won't even need to put my boots on!
Maybe I'll put on my flip-flops and dream that I am back in Florida!
XO, Lucy